
The D-III Laboratory Science Study Program is a vocational education program under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Bengkulu University (UNIB). The D-III Laboratory Science Program was established based on the permit from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education No. 186/D/O/2010, dated November 23, 2010. In 2014, the D-III Laboratory Science Program received a B accreditation based on the decree from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) No. 446/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/DpI-III/XI/2014. In 2019, the re-accreditation visit for the D-III Laboratory Science Program was postponed, with a temporary extension of accreditation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining a B rating based on BAN-PT Decree No. 4578/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/Dipl-III/XI/2019. In 2020, the D-III Laboratory Science Program was re-accredited with a B rating based on BAN-PT Decree No. 7184/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/Dipl-III/XI/2020. The D-III Laboratory Science Program has undergone two accreditation assessments: in 2014 (B rating) and in 2020 (B rating).

Vision & Mission


“The vision of the D3 Laboratory Science Study Program is to organize education that produces professional, superior and competitive laboratory science administrators at the Southeast Asian level by 2027”


  1. Conduct education and teaching in the field of science laboratories, specifically in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
  2. Carry out research in the field of science related to the development of science and technology.
  3. Conduct community service in the field of science laboratories that can be applied by the community.
  4. Establish partnerships and collaborations with industries, both domestically and internationally.
  5. Implement credible, transparent, accountable, responsible, and fair governance, exercising leadership patterns and having a good management system.


  • Produce high-quality, professional, excellent, and character-driven laboratory technicians grounded in faith and piety in laboratory management.
  • Provide and develop quality, project-based learning.
  • Supply skilled laboratory personnel capable of preparing, operating, and maintaining educational and non-educational laboratory equipment.
  • Develop knowledge and technology in the laboratory field through basic and applied research to support the advancement of education.
  • Identify and apply appropriate technology and research products to the community.
  • Realize a commitment to improving the quality of education services that are accountable, transparent, professional, and highly dedicated to producing excellent graduates.
  • Organize strong and sustainable partnerships to achieve a link and match between education and industry.

Latest Accreditation

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